Terms and Conditions

Website Disclaimer for Hager Rental Management, LLC:

Hager Rental Management, LLC assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content contained on this site.  It is a good practice to make sure our vacancies and market rents are correct when calling the office to make appointments to view an apartment.

Users acknowledge that they are responsible for whatever material they submit and that Hager Rental receives the material in a timely manner.

Our website is hosted by a secure provider.  We do, however, disclaim all responsibility or liability for any damages caused by a virus that might infiltrate electronic files at this site.

Support Animals

“Hager Rental Management, LLC properties are committed to compliance with federal, state and local Fair Housing laws. As such, we will gladly grant reasonable accommodations to our rules, policies, practices, or services when there is disability related need for the accommodation in order to afford people with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy their housing. Specifically, we gladly allow Assistance Animals as an accommodation for qualified tenants with disabilities. However, please be aware that pursuant to KRS 38.085, knowingly providing false information or documents in an attempt to obtain an Assistance Animal in housing is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,000.”

Fair Housing Rental Management Company

Hager Rental Management, LLC is pleased to be a Fair Housing rental company. We welcome all races, national origins, religious preferences, disabilities and familial configurations. Please feel free to speak with us about any reasonable accommodation you may need.

Privacy Policy

Federal law requires us to tell you how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information. Federal law also limits how we can use your personal information. Protecting the privacy and security of your personal information is very important to us. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do with the personal information we collect both online and offline.  Hager Rental Management, LLC is committed to protecting the privacy and accuracy of confidential information to the extent possible, subject to provisions of state and federal law. Other than as required by laws that guarantee public access to certain types of information, or in response to subpoenas or other legal instruments that authorize access, personal information is not actively shared. In particular, we do not re-distribute or sell personal information collected on our web servers.


246 #1 Marcellus Drive, Berea KY

  • $875.00
  • Beds: 2
  • Baths: 2.5
  • 1216 Sq Ft
  • Apartment / Condo

122 #2 Woods Trail, Richmond KY

  • $880.00
  • Beds: 2
  • Baths: 2.5
  • Apartment / Condo

144 #6 Maple Hill Drive, Richmond KY

  • $850.00/Monthly
  • Beds: 2
  • Baths: 1.5
  • 950 Sq Ft
  • Apartment / Condo

136 #1 Maple Hill Drive, Richmond KY

  • $850.00/Monthly
  • Beds: 2
  • Baths: 1.5
  • 950 Sq Ft
  • Apartment / Condo

521 Southfork, Berea KY

  • $1,900.00
  • Beds: 3
  • Baths: 2
  • Single Family Home

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