The landlords have entered into a business relationship with Hager Rental Management, LLC.
We have also updated the lease for 2024. We would like to get all of our tenants to sign the new updated lease.
If you sign a new 2024 lease with Hager Rental Management in January or February, you will be eligible to win $100 off of March rent. Three winners will be drawn and notified on March 1, 2024.
Please call to schedule a time to sign the lease so we can have it prepared and ready for you in advance. You don’t have to schedule a specific time, just a window of time when we can expect you such as Tuesday morning or Wednesday afternoon.
All adult household members must sign the new lease to be entered to win. There is only one entry per household. New tenants will be eligible to win.
Please note that you will still need to sign a lease renewal on the date when your current lease would have expired. For instance, if you signed a 2023 lease in September, you will need to sign a lease renewal in September 2024 even though you are signing one in January. This is to keep everyone’s lease expiration date the same. It is also to keep us from being flooded with people renewing their lease every January and February.
Please contact us if you have any questions.